Two Variant Conceptions of ‘Satyagraha’: Ambedkar’s Mahad & Gandhi’s Dandi Satyagrahas

  • Santhi Swaroop Sirapangi


This book review draws attention to Bojja Tharakam’s posthumously published work, ‘Mahad: The March That’s Launched Every Day’. In this work, Tharakam has compared Ambedkar’s Mahad march with Gandhi’s Dandi march. By touching upon the broad themes explored in the work the book review draws attention to the methods deployed by Tharakam to bring to light a much neglected yet immensely significant event in the history of the Indian subcontinent. 

How to Cite
SIRAPANGI, Santhi Swaroop. Two Variant Conceptions of ‘Satyagraha’: Ambedkar’s Mahad & Gandhi’s Dandi Satyagrahas. Prabuddha: Journal of Social Equality, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 75-80, feb. 2021. ISSN 2576-2079. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 oct. 2024.