The Virus knows more Indians than the Indian state

  • Naren Bedide


The world has been struggling against the deadly Covid19 viral disease for nearly two years now. Millions of lives have been lost and millions still are struggling to survive as the virus has also destroyed entire national and local economies the world over. India witnessed one of the worst impacts of Covid19 during what is being referred to as the second wave of the viral attack. It laid bare the state of medical infrastructure as well as the poor intent and administrative skills of the political leadership. In this interview, Naren Bedide discusses the response to the viral attack by various global leaders as well as that of the Indian political leadership and what these responses reveal about their respective societies and social values. He suggests that the colossal failure of the Indian political class in dealing with the havoc caused by Coronavirus is yet again a lesson about the failed idea called India and its caste character. He goes on to discuss the role of global pharma companies and the Indian bourgeoisie in their response to something as essential and contingent a commodity as vaccine and its production in the wake of Covid19.

How to Cite
BEDIDE, Naren. The Virus knows more Indians than the Indian state. Prabuddha: Journal of Social Equality, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 1-23, nov. 2021. ISSN 2576-2079. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 oct. 2024.